December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to All, and Chocolate Chip Cookies in the Morning

Merry Christmas one and all. It'll be merrier for us when we can get the boy to sleep and shut off the lights. At this hotel. That we ended up in when the snow made it so I couldn't see the road any longer.

In all of the years we've been coming up for Christmas, this was the worst snow storm yet. My folks live less than 20 miles from here, but it's a 2-lane road between here and there, and tonight that would have meant 2+ hours of tense driving. So, we're at the Country Inn of Kenosha for the night, hunkered down with the dog, the baby, and my mother-in-law. At least they had rooms with two beds.

I'm not even complaining, actually. It would have been many more hours of tension had she pressed on and driven all the way home. We would not have slept. As it stands, we spent a little extra money, but we're safe and warm, have a cooler full of vegetables and dip (and beer!), and plenty of cable channels. Oh, and wi-fi, so the ladies can watch the Hallmark channel as I type this.

Pretty interesting first Christmas for Eli, I suppose.

Merry Christmas!

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