July 31, 2012

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

If you know me, you know I'm a "path of least resistance" type of person. I have relatively low resolve, and I very much enjoy eating a good meal. Thus, I am overweight. Not by a lot, but by enough that I feel the need to do something about it.

I am still in decent shape. Closing in on 42 years old, I can still maintain a 10-minute mile jogging pace (something I would have mocked in high school) and can pull my son in a trailer on the bike up hills for many miles. Everything has atrophied in the past five to ten years, but nothing is torn or broken, so it can be fixed.

Musically, I have been in a bad way lately. Projects have been pushed off and practice has nearly been eliminated. Mostly, it's my own re-prioritization of time. It's also difficult on Jennie when we play because Eli would like to be part of the action in the basement, and thus, will not sleep. He was lulled to sleep by the dulcet tones of Supercush or Big Drag in the early days, but it's not the noise that's the issue now - it's the fun.

So, it's logistically difficult to get in some rock time, and that doesn't make me happy, but it'll have to work for now.

The main point here is that I'm not done with anything yet. I am very proud of some of the music I've had a part in making over the years, but I still feel like there's a magnum opus in there somewhere. I've written a lot, but I don't feel like I've really captured what's in my head and put it into words (and I think some of it would be worthwhile reading). I've been in love with the same woman for 14 years but I feel like I've been sort of working around being the husband I could be. I'm still chubby, but in my mind, I'm fleet and foxy.

All of this can still come to fruition.


Anonymous said...

You're a good dude and you're in there trying. Keep it up.

Chris B. said...

Thank you, Anon. And just to clarify, I'm talking about making music/writing/etc. I'm far from through with those things, but I'm having a difficult time working them into my schedule at the moment. Nothing more dire than that.