March 31, 2010

Scalzi Has My Vote

On the suggestion of some friends from Metafilter and Boing Boing, I've been following John Scalzi's blog for a bit. I have ruminated about life stuff here - politics, sports, electronics, computers, etc. Scalzi just does it better. For example, here's his take on Obama now that Health Care Reform is law:

To be clear, and contrary to GOP thinking, I think this is the act that will make him a two-termer, the poor bastard. But even if by some chance he’s one-and-done, I think he can say he did the thing he came to Washington to do, and that he did something that was the right thing to do. As it happens, I agree with him; I think it makes moral, philosophical and economic sense for as many Americans as possible to have access to regular, competent health care. It was a reason I voted for him, and in itself is worth my vote for him.

I feel the same way. This was one of the reasons, to be fair, and like Scalzi, I'm looking forward to even more successes. There was less news space devoted to it, but there was a student loan bill passed this week, and a jobs bill that made it through unanimously a few weeks ago.

All of this is happening while Obama has to endure being likened to Hitler and being accused of fostering a new holocaust (during Passover, no less) by Sarah Palin and others. What has she done for the country other than propagate fear, doubt, and terror? You know, it wasn't that long ago that the GOP learned that the very same tact lost them an election. You'd think they'd adjust.

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