May 24, 2010

No, YOU'RE a Smoke Monster

I watched the end of Lost last night and the whole suspension of disbelief thing fell apart when I knew there were only 10 minutes left and they hadn't explained anything, really. Seems like they tried to give the fans a good feeling about the characters without giving up the goods.

What's funny is that I think Jimmy Kimmel nailed it in the after-show. The whole story was about Jack, and the island and all of the alternate realities occupied the split seconds before he died in that plane crash. The eye opening/closing gimmick seals it for me.

The smoke monster is probably based on real smoke, and the sound it makes when it appears is similar to a sound that a breaking or sinking aircraft might make.

So, it wasn't heaven or hell and it wasn't a crazy Hurley dream. It was always just about Jack preparing for death. Locke and Rousseau (and other philosophers) complicated things. The guy who looked like Jesus sacrificed and tried to help him. But in one of the final scenes, the stained glass window with all of the world religions reminds us that no matter what we believe or how much we complicate our lives, we're all going to die. And really, Jack is every man.

"You are everybody"

The MASH finale was better.

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