June 13, 2010

Day Thirteen (of 30) Tall Grass Captains

The wife and I motored out to the country to congratulate our friends Mark and Lynn on her scholastic achievement (and general awesomeness) and the release of his most recent CD.

Under the moniker Tall Grass Captains, Mark has been herding his wide berth of friends into a much more focused sonic experience. His last album sounded like a greatest hits attempt, where each song stood on its merits, but were not necessarily related to each other. For In The Resistance (2010 Ubique Records), he seems to have had the entire record in mind at the start of the process.

This is the kind of music that is difficult to describe, although American Underground (CDbaby tag, I presume) is probably as solid an option as any. It's clearly rock; if you're averse to layered vocals, jaunty riffs, or atmospheric guitar solos, you're probably better off with your collection of pan flute classics. That said, I can't be sure Mark didn't employ a pan flute.

Live, the sparser three-piece setup was simpler, but also seemed to follow the aesthetic of the record; it's focused. More than one person on Friday night noted that it sounded like a lot more than three of them on stage. Less can, indeed, be more.

My description probably doesn't help with understanding how they sound, so here's a sampler, straight from the Ubique site:

Web music playerQuantcast

Congrats, Mark and Lynn.

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