So far this morning, I have eaten 1 banana and twelve almonds. I have a piece of mahi mahi that's the size of a deck of cards, a container of greek yogurt, and a bunch of mini carrots for later.
I started out by doing a mile and a half on the treadmill. It was harder than it has been before and I'm a little embarrassed. I need to take some before pictures this evening to mark the worst shape I've been in for the past 40 years. I'm hoping to see some tangible results by Christmas.
To reiterate, the plan is to lose 40 lbs. this year. Doesn't have to happen right away, and I want to do it so that it stays off, not just to say I did it. So, I'm going to start out by kind of shocking my system with a lean, healthy diet and more exercise each day.
If you see me in a dark alley with a box of day-old donuts - stop me!
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