October 26, 2010

What's Wrong With The Bears?

Exactly what everyone predicted. The offensive line is pretty bad, the receivers show promise on occasion but aren't savvy enough to fight for a badly thrown ball, and Cutler is clearly not enjoying the Mike Martz offensive scheme.

The worst part of the messy, sloppy game against Washington was seeing Rex Grossman on the opposing sideline. He could have gotten sacked and thrown interceptions just as well as Cutler. He had similar streaks of brilliance followed by record-setting bed wetting. Who could blame either of them when they both have been crushed by an uncontested blitzer on multiple occasions?

After the 4-0 start, I was thinking we might be looking at a repeat of the Super Bowl season where the defense shut down opposing offenses and the QB started out red hot, then settled down and let the running game do the heavy lifting. In fact, when Grossman started looking like a full-on bust, Thomas Jones really came to life.

I was prepared to eat crow and admit to being wrong about Lovie, Martz, Tice, and Marinelli. I hate that they're making me right again. Actually, I'll even take Marinelli off the hot seat for the moment since the defense is currently ranked 5th in the league; very similar to '05.

Unlike '05, the offense is ranked 30th overall. Terrible. The other similarity, but even more pronounced, is the feeling that even if the defense steamrolls every team left on the schedule, we could still lose all of those games. And while I won't turn into a fan who roots for his team to lose, I might pay more attention to the Steelers or something while I wait for the Lovie Smith/Jerry Angelo era to finally come to an end.

If you're on Twitter, I recommend checking out the following feeds for up-to-the-minute Bears info:
Zach Zaidman
Peggy Kuszinski
Adam Schefter
Chris Harris

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